Building a tool that leverages Elm's types

Kofi Gumbs ·

This is a learn-by-example guide to building tools with Elm’s type system. This guide here accompanies my Elm in the Spring 2019 talk.

In this guide, we’ll be implementing a specific tool called elm-snapshot. The specific tool we are building is not very important, so I’ll focus on extracting and manipulating Elm’s types. To build elm-snapshot locally, clone the repo and run ./compile.rb.

Problem Statement

Given some module that defines someFunction, I want to refactor someFunction and verify that I haven’t changed behavior. If my changes do introduce new behavior, I would like the tool to inform me of the circumstances under which the behaviour differs from the old implementation.

Traditionally, I achieve this feedback via unit tests. For this guide, we’ll assume that we forgot or neglected to write unit tests for our code. Is it still possible to reclaim that certainty? Here is how I would like to use our tool:

elm-snapshot ./src/ToSentence.elm  # Generates the unique snapshot XYZ
elm-test ./test/Snapshot_XYZ.elm   # Snapshot is just a normal elm-test module

# ... refactor, refactor, refactor ...

elm-test ./test/Snapshot_XYZ.elm   # Snapshot passes if we didn't change behavior!
rm ./test/Snapshot_XYZ.elm         # No need to keep this around

Let’s take a stab at a concrete answer: what are snapshots? If we call the original function f and the refactored function g, snapshots are tests that verify that:

f 1 == g 1 &&
f 2 == g 2 &&
f 3 == g 3 ... and so on and so forth

For every valid input to f, passing that input into f should produce a value equal to passing the same input into g.

Ruby Setup

We’ll be using Ruby to generate our “snapshot modules”. There is nothing particularly interesting about Ruby in this context, but it is a scripting language that I know well. Before we get started, we’ll make our file executable and add some standard dependencies.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "time"
require "json"
require "pathname"

Given the interface I described above, we’ll also bail if we don’t get a filepath argument.

if ARGV.count != 1
  puts "USAGE: elm-snapshot PATH/TO/YOUR_MODULE.elm"
  exit 1

This is a great time to start running this file as a quick smoke test! After every block of code we add, the file should still be runnable even though the program isn’t complete.

Extracting Types

When you run elm make, the Elm compiler collects and verifies all the types in your program. In order to keep subsequent builds fast, the compiler will write “interface files” that represent the modules in your project. For instance, after compiling the file ToSentence.elm, you’ll find a new file at elm-stuff/0.19.0/ToSentence.elmi which represents all of the types exposed in the ToSentence module.

Since we want to make sure that the interface files are up-to-date, we’ll run elm make on whatever filepath was passed in to elm-snapshot. If the compiler fails, then we will do the same.


path =
exit 1 unless system "elm make #{path}"

.elmi files are encoded using a custom compiler encoding that typically changes with each new version of Elm. It’s best to think of these files as an implementation detail of the compiler and not mess with them directly. We’ll inspect these files indirectly, using elmi-to-json—the same tool that elm-test uses to find your unit tests.

First, make sure you have elmi-to-json installed (npm install -g elmi-to-json). Then, we can grab the type information as JSON and select the interface that corresponds to the filepath passed to our program.

subject = JSON.parse(`elmi-to-json`).find do |interface|
  path ==["modulePath"])
Interface JSON for ToSentence.elm

  "modulePath" : "src/ToSentence.elm",
  "moduleName" : "ToSentence",
  "interface" : {
     "aliases" : {},
     "types" : {
        "toSentence" : {
           "annotation" : {
              "lambda" : [
                    "name" : "String",
                    "vars" : [],
                    "moduleName" : {
                       "package" : "elm/core",
                       "module" : "String"
                    "type" : "Type"
                    "type" : "Type",
                    "moduleName" : {
                       "package" : "elm/core",
                       "module" : "String"
                    "name" : "String",
                    "vars" : []
                    "name" : "List",
                    "vars" : [
                          "moduleName" : {
                             "package" : "elm/core",
                             "module" : "String"
                          "type" : "Type",
                          "name" : "String",
                          "vars" : []
                    "type" : "Type",
                    "moduleName" : {
                       "module" : "List",
                       "package" : "elm/core"
                    "name" : "String",
                    "vars" : [],
                    "moduleName" : {
                       "module" : "String",
                       "package" : "elm/core"
                    "type" : "Type"
           "vars" : []
     "unions" : {},
     "binops" : {}

Building Fuzzers

Consider the snapshot definition we used earlier: f 1 == g 1 && f 2 == g 2 && .... This snippet suggests that the more numbers we can check, the more confidence we will have that the two behaviours match. Whenever we want to simulate a large set of potential values in Elm tests, we should think of fuzz tests.

These are called “fuzz tests” because of the randomness. You may find them elsewhere called property-based tests, generative tests, or QuickCheck-style tests.

elm-test documentation

If you peek into the Fuzz module documentation, you’ll notice that many of Elm’s built-in types have a corresponding function that returns a Fuzzer. As a first approximation, we’ll assume that the types we care about are all standard library types for which this correspondence is true: String, Int, List String, List Int, etc.

fuzzer = -> type do
  if type["moduleName"]["package"] != "elm/core"
    puts "elm-snapshot doesn't handle custom types yet!"
    exit 1
    "(Fuzz."                              +
      type["name"].downcase               +
      " "                                 +
      type["vars"].map(&fuzzer).join(" ") +

This implementation leaves much to be desired—the above code cannot handle some major parts of Elm’s type system. We could implement these for elm-snapshot, but in the interest of brevity (and laziness) we’ll leave them out. Here are some ideas if you choose to take a stab:

Finally, Rubyists may take issue with my arrow style functions here. Normally, methods are defined with the def keyword; however, this syntax does not let us easily use the global names we’ve been defining. Arrow functions let us side-step this restriction and keep this file in literate style.

Code Generation

Now that we have the function types for our module, and we know how to generate the right Fuzzers, we’re left with the mundane work of building up a valid elm-test module. To do so, we’ll use the following functions, which each generate a tiny bit of Elm code.

make_names = -> args do { |_, i| "a#{i}" }

make_call = -> (name, args) do
  subject["moduleName"] + "." + name + " " + make_names.(args).join(" ")

make_record = -> args do
  "{ " + make_names.(args).map { |x| "#{x} = #{x}" }.join(", ") + " }"

We’ll use a 2-pass approach to generating our snapshot.

  1. Generate fuzz tests that exercise our Fuzzers and log the inputs and output
  2. Generate unit tests that run the function with the logged inputs and compare against the logged output

We’ll use a timestamp to create and track our unique snapshot. Since the approach above uses 2 test files, we’ll also create a function that does the appropriate elm-test setup.

timestamp =

puts "=== GENERATING SNAPSHOT #{timestamp}"

test_module = "Snapshot_#{timestamp}"
test_source = Pathname.pwd.join "tests", test_module + ".elm"

generate_test = -> contents do
  File.write(test_source, <<~ELM.strip)
    module #{test_module} exposing (..)

    import Expect
    import Fuzz
    import Test exposing (..)
    import #{subject["moduleName"]}


In our first pass, we want to log all of the information required to call our function and the result of calling the function at this point in time. For each function in the interface, we’ll create a dummy fuzz test, which exists only to do that logging. Elm’s Debug.log function does the heavy lifting for us by converting Elm values into their textual representations. Here’s the log format we’ll be using:

       function name   output
             ↓           ↓
123456789toSentence: 3: ("",{ a1 = "", a2 = "", a3 = [] })
    ↑                ↑                    ↑
timestamp      argument count         arguments

Some of this format is forced on us by Debug.log, but it will serve our needs nicely. In our second pass, we’ll parse that format and extract that metadata. For now, here’s how you might generate these “logging fuzz tests”:

logging_fuzz_test = -> (name, args) do
    #{name}_test : Test
    #{name}_test =
      fuzz#{args.count == 1 ? "" : args.count} #{" ")}
        "#{subject["moduleName"]}.#{name}" <|
          \\#{make_names.(args).join(" ")} ->
              _ = Debug.log "#{timestamp}#{name}: #{args.count}"
                ( #{make_call.(name, args)}
                , #{make_record.(args)}

fuzz_tests = subject["interface"]["types"].map do |name, expression|
  expression["annotation"].keys != [ "lambda" ] \
    ? ""
    : logging_fuzz_test.(name, expression["annotation"]["lambda"][0...-1])


Finalizing the Snapshot

The snapshot file we have now, contains a bunch of passing tests. Running it will have no interesting result… Except for the logs! If we run our snapshot test module with elm-test, we can use the timestamp to find the logs we just crafted.

logs = `elm-test #{test_source} | grep '^#{timestamp}'` do |line|
  line.strip[timestamp.length..-1].split(": ", 3)

That monstrosity of Bash and Ruby splits each relevant log line into three parts: the function name, the argument count, and the ouput/arguments tuple. Before we logged the arguments, we packaged them into record. Here’s is the Elm that will let us unpack those in our final snapshot:

prelude = <<~ELM
  apply1 f x = f x.a0
  apply2 f x = f x.a0 x.a1
  apply3 f x = f x.a0 x.a1 x.a2
  apply4 f x = f x.a0 x.a1 x.a2 x.a3
  apply5 f x = f x.a0 x.a1 x.a2 x.a3 x.a4
  apply6 f x = f x.a0 x.a1 x.a2 x.a3 x.a4 x.a5
  apply7 f x = f x.a0 x.a1 x.a2 x.a3 x.a4 x.a5 x.a6
  apply8 f x = f x.a0 x.a1 x.a2 x.a3 x.a4 x.a5 x.a6 x.a7

So finally, we have all of the pieces to generate a test module that fails as we deviate from the behavior of the original function.

snapshot = do |(name, count, output), i|
    test_#{name}_#{i} : Test
    test_#{name}_#{i} =
      test "#{name} (\##{i})" <|
        \\_ ->
          let ( result, args ) = #{output} in
          apply#{count} #{subject["moduleName"]}.#{name} args
            |> Expect.equal result

generate_test.(prelude + snapshot.join("\n"))

Parting Thoughts

I think there are some exciting opportunities for extending elm-snapshot. The “shrinking” story isn’t great in our implementation, so failing tests can be quite unreadable. I’ve also found that Debug.log does not properly escape some tricky strings, so the final snapshot may have syntax errors.

Glaring issues aside, elm-snapshot has some tremendous upside. For instance, you could use this kind of tool to freeze your entire application or library to verify dependency updates. When I first imagined this tool, I briefly looked to see if others had experimented in other languages. The closest prior research I found was Ted Kaminski’s post on “Ephemeral model-based testing”. I highly recommend that post and the entirety of Ted’s blog.

Hopefully, you’ve learned a bit about building tooling with and for Elm. These sorts of personal productivity tools are great playgrounds, and I’m excited to see the outcome of such experiments in the Elm community.